How to do a sales promotion ?

How to do a Sales Promotion -min

Initially, we are going to present the stakes and the opportunities linked to the promotion. Let’s start with the effects contrary to the objectives of the promotion, there are what we would call perverse effects of promotions, i.e. promotional overkill, trivialization of the product or service (same for the brand image). Speculative attitudes can be easily developed, and therefore it can rather generate resistance. To achieve a virtuous promotion, it requires a market research focused on the different forms of customer sensitivity. And a company that performs good practices will be able to anticipate customer needs, satisfy their expectations, eliminate customer fears. And their after-sales service will be able to deal with the aspects of persistence.

What is promotion?

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 The first question that comes to mind for someone who has never done a promotion and does not know the term is: « What is promotion! Let us give you the definition of Promotion: it is a set of steps, techniques and means of communication following a commercial action plan to reach the targets, to change their behavior of appreciation, attention and purchase of a product or service.

What types of promotions are available?

There are a variety of promotions, but we will mention four: commercial promotion, customer promotion, network promotion and social network promotion. Other promotions exist, but these are the most common. But you have to know how to use them and when to use them. For it would be a waste of time and resources to use them incorrectly. These types of promotions are derived from the main families of promotions, namely loyalty and couponing.
Modern marketing is not just about creating a good product, selling it at an attractive price and making it available to target customers. Companies also need to communicate with their current and potential customers, and what they communicate needs to be carefully considered. For most companies, the question is not whether to communicate, but how much to spend and how to communicate.

How to promote?

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You are a sales manager, and you don’t know how to promote a product or service. No need to worry! Because with us, you will learn the techniques and get the tools to promote specifically for your field. Or simply leave it to us, and you will only deal with the results and if you are happy with that you need to make a retroactive commitment. If it is not urgent, you can follow a 20-hour training course with us for 10 days and work like a professional at the end of the same. To promote, you must
1) Have a product or service
2) Identify your audience
3) Configure your message to that audience
4) Select the communication channel
5) Collect feedback
6) This may be free as there may be a need for a budget
7) Establish the promotion that does not unbalance the marketing mix
8) Take an action

Nowadays, promotion is done with many mistakes. Many others are repeating the same mistakes. Let’s paraphrase ‘Seth Godin’: Marketing is not : spam, mass or shame. He says and we quote: Shameless marketers are embarrassing the rest of us. Marketing doesn’t have to be selfish to attract customers and drive them to action.

  1. Increase the brand awareness ; 
  2. Provide  qualified Information; 
  3. Increase Customer Traffic ; 
  4. Build Sales and Profits. 

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