Apple Intro

Today we are going to introduce you to one of the biggest companies in the world. Get ready and read until the end, because we have some interesting information about this company.So the first, biggest and most important company in the world is Apple.

Let us briefly introduce you to the Apple company. Apple is an American multinational company that creates and markets consumer electronics, personal computers and computer software. Apple is the largest technology company by revenue, which was $365.8 billion in 2021. As of June 2022, it was the world’s largest company by market capitalization, the fourth largest personal computer vendor by unit sales and the second largest cell phone manufacturer. It is one of the big five US. Information technology companies, along with Alphabet, Amazon, Meta and Microsoft..

The electronic and technological giant in the world of computers and phones

Innovation Gap & Impact

They are constantly innovating in technology and how to make it in a way that respects the rights of people, our health and the planet we share. According to BCG (Boston Consulting Group), apple is the first company in the world to focus on innovation and sustainability. It is ranked first in the ranking of innovative companies. The brand’s impact has generated $947,000,000,000.
What’s behind Apple’s success ? We’ve all heard about and even seen the crowds at Apple’s product announcements and releases, where customers line up to buy the latest iPhone on a global scale. It is indeed the iPhone that generates Apple’s revenues. Customer loyalty is the key to the company’s continued success.

Market Share & return on investment

Apple Market Share apple claimed a 17.2% market share in Q-three 2022, an increase from the previous quarter. Apple’s longtime competitor Samsung took the top spot with a 21.2% market share.
Apple’s return on investment (ROI) peaked in September 2022 at 52 4%. According to Macro Trends, the company’s return on investment increased to 73 31%.

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